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Brief Reflections on the Tarot Major Arcanas

The Hermit (Reversed)

©️Louise Dollin - All rights reserved



"Help One Another"

The Hermit (Reversed) Questioning

  • Do I need to step back?
  • Did I finalize what needed to be?
  • What is unaccomplished in my life that prevents me from moving forward?
  • Do I easily accept help from others?
  • Am I really open to changes?
  • Does my generosity match up the relationship that I am fond of or the one I desire?
  • What is still holding me back?

Chronos, in Greek Mythology personifies "Time"

Nugget of Wisdom

Crisis are salutary.


Say yes to the beauty of alterity.


"Every need attracts circumstances."

Roland Legrand - Astrologer


Why am I so happy to open up to others?

Contact me if you would like to know more about the powerful practice of afformations.

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